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Re: Voltcraft USB programmer cable Win 7 64 bit driver install Kategorie: Pro-Bot128 (von PepeV - 19.12.2011 12:52)
Als Antwort auf Re: Voltcraft USB programmer cable Win 7 64 bit driver install von UlliS - 19.12.2011 9:27
Ich nutze:
C-Control Pro Mega128, Pro-Bot128
> Hello Pepe,
> the V 1.0 Programmer (see CD Lable) works only with 32-bit Systems (Vista & Win7).
> The new version V 2.0 works mith 64-bit.
> The old programmer V 1.0, you need to reprogram the factory settings.
> Then you can use the original driver.
> http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/Pages/USBtoUARTBridgeVCPDrivers.aspx
> See AN144 and use the CP210xSetIDs.exe to reprogram.
> VID, PID and divece string see attachemend..
> Best regards,
> Ulli

Hi Ulli,

OK, this sounds a lot more convenient than my procedure. But before I try it I have this question:
If I reprogram my V.1 programmer cable, will I still be able to use it with my other computer which
runs on XP (32 bit)? And if so, wil I have to reinstall the driver there?


    Antwort schreiben


Re: Voltcraft USB programmer cable Win 7 64 bit driver install (von UlliS - 19.12.2011 17:18)
    Re: Voltcraft USB programmer cable Win 7 64 bit driver install (von PepeV - 20.12.2011 10:18)