Voltcraft USB programmer cable Win 7 64 bit driver install Kategorie: Pro-Bot128 (von PepeV - 15.12.2011 21:58) | ||
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Hi all, Last year I have many times tried to install a driver for the Voltcraft USB programmer cable in Windows 7 64 bit. Despite many advices on this forum, I did not succeed. And I was not the only one. The driver â??Treiber fĂźr Voltcraft USB Programmer (VISTA 32/64 Bit, Windows7 32/64 Bit)â? which is available on http://www.c-control.de/c-control-pro/software,_treiber, _downloads/software,_treiber,_downloads.html did not work, even when itâ??s name promises so. Frustrating! But last week I finally got a driver installed! The procedure I had to follow is so complicated that one can hardly expect a ProBot128 beginner to find it out for himself. If other contributors to this list got it working too, as they wrote, I wonder why no one ever posted a decent step by step procedure. Peter? Anyway, I hope to do other Windows 7 64 bit users a favor with the following instruction. 1. Remove the driver that came with the Voltcraft USB programmer cable if you installed it. To do this, plug in the cable and delete the corresponding entry in the Device Manager. 2. Remove the cable and donâ??t plug it in again until after the last step. 3. Remove all virtual com port (VCP) drivers you installed previously. Use Control Panel. 4. Download CP210x_VCP_Win_XP_S2K3_Vista_7.exe from http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/Pages/USBtoUARTBridgeVCPDrivers.aspx 5. Run this program to install version 6.5 of the Silabs VCP driver. This driver is intended for use with certain Silabs CP210x products and will not work with the programmer cable. To make it work, one has to adapt the file slabvcp.inf before (!) installing the driver. The problem is that this file is only present on disk when the driver is already installed. The following is to get round this problem. 6. The Silabs files are default copied to C:SiLabs. Go to C:SiLabsMCUCP210xWindows_XP_S2K3_Vista_7 and open the file slabvcp.inf. 7. In this file change the vendor ID to that of the programmer cable: USBVID_179A&PID_41AF. To do that, change the lines below [SiLabs] and [SiLabs.NTamd64] as follows: [SiLabs] %USBVID_179A&PID_41AF.DeviceDesc%=silabser.Dev, USBVID_179A&PID_41AF [SiLabs.NTamd64] %USBVID_179A&PID_41AF.DeviceDesc%=silabser.Dev, USBVID_179A&PID_41AF 8. Make a copy of the complete folder C:SiLabs with sub folders and place it somewhere else, e.g. on the desktop. 9. Go to Control Panel to remove the Silabs driver you just installed. This will erase the complete folder C:SiLabs. 10. Copy the saved Silabs folder (the one on the desktop) to C:. 11. Go to C:SiLabsMCUCP210xWindows_XP_S2K3_Vista_7 and run CP210xVCPInstaller.exe. This will install the Silabs driver again but now with the correct Vendor ID in the file slabvcp.inf. 12. Plug in the programmer cable and check in Device Manager whether the driver is installed correctly. There should be an entry: Ports (COM & LPT) with sub entry: %USBVID_179A&PID_41AF.DeviceDesc%(COM3) Succes! Pepe | ||
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