I2C Functioniert nicht, Status ist immer 0xF8 Kategorie: I²C-Bus (von G ter Horst - 8.08.2011 21:32) | |
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Hallo alle, Ich habe ein thermometer auf I2C angeschlossen auf meinem CC-Pro 128 Application Board. Es wirkt doch gar nicht. Die I2C status ist immer 0xF8. Pullup wiederstanden habe ich, denke ich, recht gesetzt. Kann jeder mich helfen? Hello everybody, If you can read English, please disregard my nauseatingly poor German above. I've got a thermometer connected to my CC-Pro 128 Application Board, using the I2C interface. It isn't working in the slightest. It always returns the status code 0xF8. I've correctly set the pull-up resistors as far as I know. Can anybody give me a hand with this? Program: Status: Comment: I2C_Init(I2C_100kHz) 0xF8 I2C_Start() 0xF8 I2C_Write(address) 0xF8 I2C_Start() 0xF8 I2C_Write(address|0x01) 0xF8 I2C_Read_ACK() 0xF8 #No data received I2C_Read_NACK() 0xF8 #No data received I2C_Stop() 0xF8 | |
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