Kommentar: Einfügen von HTML im Kommentar: Link einfügen: <a href="LINKURL" target="_blank">LINKTITEL</a> Bild einfügen: <img src="BILDURL"> Text formatieren: <b>fetter Text</b> <i>kursiver Text</i> <u>unterstrichener Text</u> Kombinationen sind auch möglich z.B.: <b><i>fetter & kursiver Text</i></b> C Quellcode formatieren: <code>Quellcode</code> BASIC Quellcode formatieren: <basic>Quellcode</basic> (Innerhalb eines Quellcodeabschnitts ist kein html möglich.) Wichtig: Bitte mache Zeilenumbrüche, bevor Du am rechten Rand des Eingabefeldes ankommst ! -> I > Hi Laszlo, > > I discribed two possibilities to connect the Pololu encoders. More advanced > is to connect all OUTA and OUTB terminals to interrupt ports and to set the > interrupt trigger mode of these ports to 1 (falling or rising edge) with > Ext_IntEnable. Each of the four interrupt service routines should then poll > the value of the port that gave the trigger and poll the value of the other port. > The combination of these values then determines wether it was a forward > 'tick' or backward one. E.g. high-low or low-high means one tick forward and > high-high or low-low means one tick backward. > In this way, the resolution (mm/tick) is two times better than the first method > I described and four times better than the second. The disadvantage is that > more processor time is necessary and if that is not available, ticks might > be missed. > > Regards, > Pepe