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C-Control Hardware not found Kategorie: CC-Pro Unit & Appl.Board (von basjong - 4.11.2013 16:57)
Ich nutze:
C-Control Pro Mega32
Dear forum members,
I have developed a prototype of a measuring device with the CC Pro Mega 32 and the CC Pro 32
Projectboard using the latest version of the C-Control IDE. That all went very fine.
The next step was to make a definite device with the 44 pin CC Pro Mega 32. First time I made a PCB
with a RS232 interface identical to the one on the project board and push buttons for reset and boot.
Whatever I tried, I could not get the IDE to communicate with the chip. I checked and re-checked the
connections but could not find anything wrong, but no communication.
Assuming that I possibly had destroyed the chip, I ordered a new one. At the same time I
re-designed the PCB such that it doesn't have a RS232 interface or reset and boot buttons any more.
In stead through a connector cable I connect the RXD, TXD, RESET and PB2 pins together with the Vcc
and GND of the PCB to the Projectboard, so that that should function as a programming interface. The
40 pin CC Pro 32 is then of course not installed on the Projectboard and also the power supply to
the Projectboard is disconnected.
But again, also with this set up the IDE cannot find the hardware. I did handle the chip very
carefully and have thoroughly checked the connections, so I am quite sure that it should work, but
it doesn't.
So, I am a bit at my wit's end, and hope that any one of you might have a suggestion where to look for
a solution.

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Re: C-Control Hardware not found (von Bas Jong - 6.11.2013 9:39)