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Re: Difference between V1.71.05 and V2.13.0.15 Kategorie: IDE (von PeterS - 6.09.2011 11:44)
Als Antwort auf Difference between V1.71.05 and V2.13.0.15 von Peter Meenhorst - 6.09.2011 11:19

> With the same program ( in C) I have problems with the new IDE version.
> With IDE V after compilation then loaded to application board and start program, it's running.
> With IDE V I receive after the start command in the Output message box
> the message: "not enough memory for other threads"
> Do I have to implement special commands in the source C file ?

Please look into the documentation. The configuration of threads was moved from
the project options into the code. Now you have a #thread keyword to configure
threads inside the code.

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