Programm stürzt ab Kategorie: Programmierung Basic (von Sebastian - 20.02.2010 3:16) | ||
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Ich bin relativ neu im Thema und Rätsele im Moment warum mein Programm dauernd abstürzt hier mal der Code den ich zusammen gebaut habe (manches ist noch nicht Fertig oder mit Test Code Versehen. Datei1 'Programm zur Steuerung des Pannels mit Regelung (Lichtnachführung) ' '---Hauptprogramm--- ' '--I2C-Adressen-- #define Motor1 &HC4 #define Motor2 &HC2 #define Motor3 &HC0 '--Konstanten-- ' #define Constante1 1 ' #define Constante2 2 ' #define Constante3 3 '--Variablen-- Dim ConfigTest As Byte 'Konfigurationsstatus Dim S1 As Single 'Wert Sensor 1 Dim S2 As Single 'Wert Senosr 2 Dim S3 As Single 'Wert Sensor 3 Dim S4 As Single 'Wert Sensor 4 Dim Auswertung As Byte 'Wert der Sensor-Auswertung ' '--Hauptprogramm-- ' Sub main() '--Initialisierung-- ConfigTest = 0 'Kofiguration auf nicht getestet setzen I2C_Init(I2C_100kHz) 'Konfiguration des I2C-Bussystems LCDstart() 'LCD Löschen Do While True 'Hauptschleife Anfang '�berprüfen der Konfiguration des Pannels If ConfigTest = 0 Then 'Pannel ist nich Konfiguriert Pannelconfig() 'Aufruf des Konfigprogramms ElseIf ConfigTest = 1 Then 'Wenn Konfiguration in Ordnung dan Programm ausführen S1 = Sensor(1) 'Sensor 1 Abfragen S2 = Sensor(2) 'Sensor 2 Abfragen S3 = Sensor(3) 'Sensor 3 Abfragen S4 = Sensor(4) 'Sensor 4 Abfragen ' 'Sensoren Auswerten und Ergebnis speichern ' Auswertung = Sensorauswertung(S1, S2, S3, S4) If Auswertung <> 9 Then ' 'Motor Steuerung ' motorcontrol(Auswertung) End If End If End While 'Ende der Hauptschleife End Sub Datei 2 'LCD Starten Sub LCDstart() LCD_Init() LCD_CursorOff() LCD_ClearLCD() End Sub Datei 3 (Hier habe ich das meiste Ausergefecht gesetzt würde das aber mit dem Entsprechendem Code Versehen gehen?) 'Herstellen der Grundconfiguration des Pannels '/Erzeugen einer Deffinierten Lage/Position ' 'Variablen für Prüfung ' Dim Data01 As Byte Dim Data02 As Byte Dim Data03 As Byte Dim Data04 As Byte Dim Data05 As Byte Dim Data06 As Byte Dim Data07 As Byte Dim Data08 As Byte Dim Data09 As Byte Dim Data10 As Byte Dim Data11 As Byte Dim Data12 As Byte Dim Data13 As Byte Dim Data14 As Byte Dim Data15 As Byte Dim Data16 As Byte Dim Data17 As Byte Dim Data18 As Byte Dim Data19 As Byte Dim Data20 As Byte Dim Data21 As Byte Dim Data22 As Byte Dim Data23 As Byte Dim Data24 As Byte Dim Data25 As Byte Dim Data26 As Byte Dim Data27 As Byte Dim Data28 As Byte Dim Data29 As Byte Dim Data30 As Byte Dim Data31 As Byte Dim Data32 As Byte Dim Data33 As Byte Dim Data34 As Byte Dim Data35 As Byte Dim Data36 As Byte Dim Data37 As Byte Dim Data38 As Byte Dim Data39 As Byte Dim Data40 As Byte Dim Data41 As Byte Dim Data42 As Byte Dim Data43 As Byte Dim Data44 As Byte Dim Data45 As Byte Dim Data46 As Byte Dim Data47 As Byte Dim Data48 As Byte ' 'Pannelkonfigurations Programm ' Sub Pannelconfig() ' 'Config für Testzwecke au�ergefecht gesetzt ' Goto Test I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor1) I2C_Write(1) I2C_Write(2) I2C_Write(3) I2C_Write(4) I2C_Write(5) I2C_Stop() AbsDelay(100) I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor2) I2C_Write(1) I2C_Write(2) I2C_Write(3) I2C_Write(4) I2C_Write(5) I2C_Stop() AbsDelay(100) I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor3) I2C_Write(1) I2C_Write(2) I2C_Write(3) I2C_Write(4) I2C_Write(5) I2C_Stop() AbsDelay(100) ' 'Prüfung ' 'Motor1 - Teil 1 ' I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor1) I2C_Write(&H81) I2C_Stop() I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor1+1) Data01 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data02 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data03 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data04 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data05 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data06 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data07 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data08 = I2C_Read_NACK() I2C_Stop() ' 'Motor1 - Teil 2 ' I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor1) I2C_Write(&HFC) I2C_Stop() I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor1+1) Data09 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data10 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data11 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data12 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data13 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data14 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data15 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data16 = I2C_Read_NACK() I2C_Stop() ' 'Motor2 - Teil 1 ' I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor2) I2C_Write(&H81) I2C_Stop() I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor2+1) Data17 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data18 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data19 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data20 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data21 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data22 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data23 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data24 = I2C_Read_NACK() I2C_Stop() ' 'Motor2 - Teil 2 ' I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor2) I2C_Write(&HFC) I2C_Stop() I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor2+1) Data25 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data26 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data27 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data28 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data29 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data30 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data31 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data32 = I2C_Read_NACK() I2C_Stop() ' 'Motor3 - Teil 1 ' I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor3) I2C_Write(&H81) I2C_Stop() I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor3+1) Data33 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data34 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data35 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data36 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data37 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data38 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data39 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data40 = I2C_Read_NACK() I2C_Stop() ' 'Motor3 - Teil 2 ' I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor3) I2C_Write(&HFC) I2C_Stop() I2C_Start() I2C_Write(Motor3+1) Data41 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data42 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data43 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data44 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data45 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data46 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data47 = I2C_Read_ACK() Data48 = I2C_Read_NACK() I2C_Stop() ' 'Konfiguration Testen und Einstellen der ConfigTest Variable ' If Data01 = &H02 And Data02 = &H00 And Data03 = &H00 And Data04 = &H00 And Data05 = &H00 And Data06 = &H00 And Data07 = &H00 And Data08 = &H00 Then If Data09 = &H02 And Data10 = &H00 And Data11 = &H00 And Data12 = &H00 And Data13 = &H00 And Data14 = &H00 And Data15 = &H00 And Data16 = &H00 Then If Data17 = &H01 And Data18 = &H00 And Data19 = &H00 And Data20 = &H00 And Data21 = &H00 And Data22 = &H00 And Data23 = &H00 And Data24 = &H00 Then If Data25 = &H01 And Data26 = &H00 And Data27 = &H00 And Data28 = &H00 And Data29 = &H00 And Data30 = &H00 And Data31 = &H00 And Data32 = &H00 Then If Data33 = &H00 And Data34 = &H00 And Data35 = &H00 And Data36 = &H00 And Data37 = &H00 And Data38 = &H00 And Data39 = &H00 And Data40 = &H00 Then If Data41 = &H00 And Data42 = &H00 And Data43 = &H00 And Data44 = &H00 And Data45 = &H00 And Data46 = &H00 And Data47 = &H00 And Data48 = &H00 Then Lab Test ConfigTest = 1 Goto Test2 End If End If End If End If End If End If Lab Test2 End Sub Datei 4 (Hier will die Auswertung der Ergebnisse nicht so recht kommen in einem Dunkelen Raum die Ersten vier Werte die letzen 4 und der 9 überhaupt nicht mir Fällt aber keine Alternative zu "If" Ein) 'Abfragen der Sensoren ' Sub Sensor(snr As Byte) As Single Dim Sensorwert As Single ' Dim Sensorrueck As Single 'Sensorrückgabewert snr = snr - 1 Sensorwert = Read_Volt(snr) Return Sensorwert End Sub ' ' ' Sub Read_Volt(snrrv As Byte) As Single Dim ADC_RAW As Word Dim Ref As Single Dim Volt As Single Ref = 5.0/1023.0 ADC_RAW = GetAdc(snrrv) Volt = ADC_RAW * Ref Return Volt End Sub ' ' ' Sub GetAdc(Channel As Byte) As Word ADC_Set(ADC_VREF_VCC,Channel) ADC_Read() Return ADC_Read() End Sub ' 'Auswertung der Sensoren ' Sub Sensorauswertung(sa1 As Single, sa2 As Single, sa3 As Single, sa4 As Single)As Byte Dim Rechnen As Single Dim Rechnen2 As Single Dim Ergebnis As Byte ' 'Berechnen des Durchschnitts der Sensorwerte ' Rechnen = sa1*sa2*sa3*sa4 Rechnen2 = Rechnen/4 ' 'Auswerten des Ergebnises ' 'Einzelsensoren ' If sa1 < sa2 And sa1 < sa3 And sa1 < sa4 Then Ergebnis = 1 ElseIf sa2 < sa1 And sa2 < sa3 And sa2 < sa4 Then Ergebnis = 2 ElseIf sa3 < sa1 And sa3 < sa2 And sa3 < sa4 Then Ergebnis = 3 ElseIf sa4 < sa1 And sa4 < sa2 And sa4 < sa3 Then Ergebnis = 4 ' 'Zwei Sensoren ' ElseIf sa1 < Rechnen2 And sa2 < Rechnen2 And sa3 > Rechnen2 And sa4 > Rechnen2 Then Ergebnis = 5 ElseIf sa3 < Rechnen2 And sa4 < Rechnen2 And sa1 > Rechnen2 And sa2 > Rechnen2 Then Ergebnis = 6 ElseIf sa1 < Rechnen2 And sa3 < Rechnen2 And sa2 > Rechnen2 And sa4 > Rechnen2 Then Ergebnis = 7 ElseIf sa2 < Rechnen2 And sa4 < Rechnen2 And sa1 > Rechnen2 And sa3 > Rechnen2 Then Ergebnis = 8 Else Ergebnis = 9 'Nichtstun End If ' 'Rückgabe des Bytecodes für Fahranweisung an Motor ' Return Ergebnis End Sub Datei 5 (Das hier dient nur zum Testen der Sensorergebnisse, Stürzt aber manchmal bei Msg_WriteChar(13) ab, danach muss immer die C-Controll Resete werden) Sub motorcontrol (anweisung As Byte) 'Test Code Msg_WriteHex(anweisung) anweisung = 0 Msg_WriteChar(13) 'Hier stürzt das Programm glaube ich ab AbsDelay(50) End Sub Das Programm soll ein Pannel mit Vier helligkeitssensoren Steuern (über Stepper und den TMC222 angesteuert). Ich muss die Abstürze los werden an sonsten brauche ich ja garnicht weiter zu machen. Andereseits wäre ich auch für Tipps wie ich die Sensor Auswertung Verbessern könnte dankbar. | ||
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